Life is Feudal: Forest Village Wiki

Map is special type of workshop item for custom map.

To create custom map follow this guide and select Map type when it will be requested.
Examine content of created folder. It contains following files:

  • icon.png — 256 x 256 default image of workshop item. Please feel free to change it to your own;
  • localization.csv — comma-separated localization dictionary that already contains english text for «title» and «description» keys. Again, you can edit it or add new keys as you like;
  • version.txt — version information about map. It’s updated automatically and there are no need to edit it manually;
  • — binary file with height data of landscape. You may want to replace it by your own version. Read more about it;
  • mapinfo.lua — lua script that annotate format, scale and landing place for Usually it look like this:
   format = 'mountain',
   scale = 5,
   offset = 0,
   landingPlace = {
       x = 600,
       y = 600,
       radius = 1000


To test your map just start new game. You will see list of all installed custom maps under Map combobox:


Load map from script[]

There are also possibility to load custom map from script when game is running. In this case you can even alter mapinfo.lua settings if you want.

<Read more about map loading from script>
