Life is Feudal: Forest Village Wiki

There is a possibility to provide some settings to your mod.


Setup[ | ]

To do so you need define options in info.lua:

local speeds = {"Slow", "Normal", "High"}

   majorName = StringOption("Major name", "John"),
   peopleCount = IntOption("People count", 4),
   weddingCost = NumberOption("Wedding cost", 2.5),
   allowWeddings = BooleanOption("Allow weddings", true),
   gameSpeed = EnumOption("Game speed", speeds, 2),

As you can see there are several types of options: String, Int, Boolean and Enum.

StringOption[ | ]

Represented by editbox.

  • First argument is visible name in menu.
  • Second argument is default value.
  • Last argument is optional tooltip text.

IntOption[ | ]

Represented by editbox. Allow only integer values.

  • First argument is visible name in menu.
  • Second argument is default value.
  • Last argument is optional tooltip text.

NumberOption[ | ]

Represented by editbox. Allow real values.

  • First argument is visible name in menu.
  • Second argument is default value.
  • Last argument is optional tooltip text.

BooleanOption[ | ]

Represented by checkbox.

  • First argument is visible name in menu.
  • Second argument is default value (true or false).
  • Last argument is optional tooltip text.

EnumOption[ | ]

Represented by combobox with several options.

  • First argument is visible name in menu.
  • Second argument is list of possible options.
  • Third argument is default value. It is serial number of option in the list.
  • Last argument is optional tooltip text.

Usage[ | ]

In mod scripts you can access global variable OPTIONS. It will contain table with filled values:

    majorName = "John",
    peopleCount = 5000000,
    weddingCost = 2.5,
    allowWeddings = true,
    gameSpeed = 2,